Thursday, February 26, 2009



I'd like to give you some important tips on two body shapes (or shall I say belly shapes), which will get you to burn MORE fat or rid the water weight.

The first thing to find out is this: do you have water weight or actual fat. Look at your stomach and see if your stomach bulges out at the top part or if it's flat with more of a sagging at the bottom part.

A fluid belly will stick out more at the top of the abdomen just below the rib cage. This, more often, involves the liver. This belly is often described as a "pot" belly. Interestingly, this belly feels firm to the touch, not flabby. If the top part of your abdomen is flat with only a lower fat roll which hangs over the belt, then we know it is fat not water. The feel of this belly has been described as "bread doughy".

Extra weight on the hip area is actual fat, not water.

One of our testing methods is called Bio Impedance Analysis. This test helps us to determine the composition of the body; how much of the body is water versus fat. This is critical to know before one can lose weight!

The point is this: the water weight needs to come off with specific foods, not exercise. Fat release needs a combination of exercise and diet. To brush up on the body types and triggers, come to one of our free seminars. Call 719-573-4063 for more information.

Read on for a refresher on two of the body types:

Liver Body Type

This is the protruding belly with the following symptoms:

  • Bad skin with brown spots - on the back of your hands.

  • Fissure down the center of your tongue.

  • Stiff low back with aching finger joints in the morning.

  • Grouchy in the morning.

  • Sluggish digestive system.

  • Right shoulder pain.

This type needs a diet with low fats, low proteins and high amounts of vegetables. They should ONLY eat three meals per day, with no snacking in-between because the liver hormone called Growth Hormone (GH) is stimulated by an empty stomach. GH regulates blood sugars in-between meals, not during the meal.

Since water retention is a high sodium situation, the potassium in vegetables (cruciferous is best) will help rid the water weight.

Adrenal Body Type

This is the sagging belly with the following symptoms:

  • Weak knees and shrinking leg (upper thigh) muscles.

  • Stressed, anxiety with sleeping issues.

  • Arthritis, pain and inflammation.

  • Craving chocolate and salty foods.

  • Calcium deficiencies (leg cramps) despite taking calcium.

This type needs more protein and fat, because stress hormones require cholesterol. They also need lots of vitamin C, because the adrenal gland is the major resovoir for vitamin C. This would be leafy greens, citrus and mushrooms. The type of exercise should be very slow with the pulse rate below 129. Exercising too hard or too long can CAUSE weight gain. They should consume sea salt if they crave salt (84 minerals instead of only 2 in table salt). They need small frequent meals throughout the day and need to absolutely AVOID SUGARS.

Hope this helps, see you next time!

Dr. Erickson

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why Exercise Can Be Hazardous to Your Health!

Everyone knows that exercise causes fat burning, right?

Or does it?

Exercise does NOT cause fat burning, at least not directly. Exercise does NOT melt fat off your body due to the heating effect. There is NO burning effect directly from doing exercise.

Most, if not all, of the calories burned through intense exercise are coming from sugar and not fat.

Exercise creates a stress within the muscle tissue which then breaks down the muscle tissue. The body then uses certain hormones (which are fat burning) to restore or build stronger muscles.

It is in the building and restoring process that the body uses lots of energy (stored fat) to create new stronger muscle fibers.

99 percent of this process occurs while you sleep, in the downtime, also known as the recovery period.

So if you can't sleep well or you eat foods that trigger insulin (sugar); or you exercise daily never giving the body a chance of releasing fat burning hormones, you'll find your weight stays the same.

Yes, you may feel stronger and yes, you may notice that there are more muscles developing under the fat, but the fat will not want to go.

In summary:

1. Always exercise every other day to let the body burn more fat.

2. Omit any sweets between workouts, this prevents the body from using sweets as fuel - you want to force the body to use fat instead.

3. Get more sleep. If you have a problem, find a local practitioner who does ASET (Acupressure Stress Elimination Technique).

Yours in Health,

Dr. John Erickson

John Erickson is the Clinic Director and Health Coach for the The Health and Wellness Center in Colorado Springs, CO. He offers a regular workshop called The Body Shapes Workshop, where he uncovers the real cause of weight gain and why it is so difficult to lose weight. The Health and Wellness Center uses all natural, effective methods of care, including the ASET, to help people reach their health and weight goals.

Call 719-573-4063 for more information on the workshops.